Friday, January 30, 2009

Live like you are dying - not if you're a Mum

What a load of bollocks! How can you live that way once you exit your 20's and have a couple of rugrats clinging to your (now) chubby childbirth body?? You used to spend your days sleeping off the night before, then shopping for sparkly clothes for that night out. Once the children arrive you spend your days wiping snotty noses and shitty arses dressed in anything that fits. You don't live 'every day to the full' and appreciate God's natural beauty around you. You struggle to get out of bed, feed the kids, do the school run, clean the house, do the washing, ironing and grocery shopping, you collect the kids, cook the dinner, collapse into bed and sleep, after accepting the twice weekly shag from the master of the house!
No you don't live like you are dying - not if you're a mum, you live like you are dead!

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